Day 1. Monday, October 2: Concepts, methods and techniques
8:30 a.m.
9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Behavioral Science Expert Clinic 1. Design, Implementation and evaluation of interventions using peace science. Dr. Boaz Hameiri. Conflict Management and Mediation Program – School of Social Studies and Public Policies. Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Salón 104, bloque 26. EAFIT.
10:00 - 10:15 a.m.
Coffee break
10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
Behavioral Science Expert Clinic 2. Design, Implementation and evaluation of interventions using communications for social and behavioral change. Dr. Rebecca Littman. Department of Psychology, University of Illinois Chicago. USA
Hall: To be confirmed.
11:15 a.m.- 12:15 m.
Behavioral Science Expert Clinic 3. Scientific communication and the construction of networks in behavioral sciences: The experience The Behavioral scientist. Evan Nesterak. Editor in chief The Behavioral Scientist.
Salón 104, bloque 26. EAFIT.
12:15 m – 2 p.m.
Lunch break
2:00-3:00 p.m.
Opening remarks.
Mariantonia Lemos (EAFIT) and Camilo Arango (Comfama)
Adriana González Rivera – Vice President of Development of the Grupo Social Foundation – The Model of the Grupo Social Foundation
Juan Esteban Restrepo – The experience of Comfama's Behavior Change Laboratory
Mariantonia Lemos Ph.D. – The master's degree in behavioral studies from EAFIT University
Presentation of the agenda: Andres Casas - Neuropaz
Auditorio 101, bloque 38. EAFIT.
3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Opening conference: Current challenges in the use of behavioral and brain sciences for the construction of prosociality.
Dr. Rebecca Littman. Department of Psychology, University of Illinois Chicago. USA
Dr. Boaz Hameiri.Director of the Conflict Management and Mediation Program - Faculty of Social Studies and Public Policy, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Moderation and comments: Dr. Hernando Santamaria. Director- PhD in Neuroscience and CNC Lab. School of Medicine. Pontifical Javeriana University. Bogota Colombia.
Auditorio 101, bloque 38. EAFIT.
4:00 - 4:15 p.m.
Coffee break
4:15 - 5:45 p.m.
Can virtual reality help build peace after war?
Dr. Martin Waehlisch. Leader of the Innovation Cell of the Department of Political Affairs and Peacebuilding. General Secretariat of the United Nations.
Auditorio 101, bloque 38. EAFIT.
5:45 p.m.
Premiere of the documentary: Virtual Reality for Peace – Juan Casas, PIRATAFILMS.
Auditorio 101, bloque 38. EAFIT.
Day 2. Tuesday, October 3: Advances in the application of brain and behavioral sciences to the fostering of prosociality.
8:00 - 9:00 a.m.
Using Science, Technology and Communications to Build Prosociality: a conversation
Dr Rezarta Bilali. Associate Professor of Psychology and Social Intervention. New York University.
Maciej Dachowski. Political Affairs Officer, International Hub on Behavioural Insights to Counter Terrorism at United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism.
Josh Martin. Human-centered innovation for government and multilateral institutions.
Moderation and comments: Dr. Martin Waehlisch. DPPA -UN.
Auditorio 101, bloque 38. EAFIT.
9:20 - 10:30 a.m.
Communications for social change and territorial transformation innovations in Colombia 1
María Alejandra Palacio. Executive director - Semillas de Apego. Universidad de Los Andes. Bogotá.
Dr. Wilson López, Juliana Reyes, Alana Coronado, Ana Sofía Osorio. Augmented reality as a resource for reconciliation. Faculty of Psychology. Pontifical Javeriana University.
Dr. Pablo Abitbol. Regional Group of Historical Memory, Chair of the Peace and Cultural Evolution Workshop. Member of the Regional Peace Building Space Montes de María. Bolivar Technological University. Cartagena Colombia.
Martín Vanegas. Experiences from the public value EAFIT security and justice initiative to prevent recruitment and advance informed policing.
Moderation and comments: Dr. Rebecca Littman. Department of Psychology, University of Illinois Chicago. USA
Auditorio 101, bloque 38. EAFIT
10:30 – 10:45 a.m.
Coffee break
10:45 am - 12:00 m
Communications for social change and territorial transformation innovations in Colombia 2
Oswaldo Zapata.The experience of "Democracy and peace". Behavioral Science Laboratory - Comfama. Medellin Colombia.
Ana Maria Trujillo.The experience of UNDP - Colombia.
Maria Paulina Dominguez. EAFIT University– USAID The experience of Inclusive Justice in Colombia.
Maristella Madero. The T.N.T Model: Transforming Territorial Narratives in Cartagena. Social Foundation Group.
Moderation and comments: Dr. Boaz Hameiri. Director of the Conflict Management and Mediation Program - Faculty of Social Studies and Public Policy, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
​Auditorio 101, bloque 38. EAFIT
12:00 m. – 2:00 p.m.
Lunch break
2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Security, justice and behavioral sciences
Dr Rezarta Bilali. Associate Professor of Psychology and Social Intervention. New York University.
Maciej Dachowski. Political Affairs Officer, International Hub on Behavioural Insights to Counter Terrorism at United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism.
Dr Josh Martin. Human-centered innovation for government and multilateral institutions.
Moderation and comments: Andrés Preciado, Fundación Ideas para la Paz.
Auditorio 101, bloque 38. EAFIT
3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Closing event: Behavioral science, technology and communication to promote human development in Colombia.​
Camilo Sánchez Meertens. Head of Reintegration and Peace building Projects at UNDP.
Jairo Matallana. UNDP - Colombia.
Moderation and comments: Andres Casas - Neuropaz.
Auditorio 101, bloque 38. EAFIT.